Hi Raw! - Vietnam's leading raw pet food brand, is delighted to announce that our Packaging Design has been Shorlisted for the Packaging category at D&AD 2024. We would love to share our pride and happiness with you all. Even more thrilling is the fact that Hi Raw! is the only representative from Vietnam to win this coveted title at D&AD, which doubles our happiness.



D&AD (Design and Art Direction)  is the most prestigious and also considered the most challenging award in the Creative Design industry, celebrating the most outstanding, innovative, and groundbreaking projects worldwide in terms of ideas and skills. This year, D&AD attracted over 12,000 entries, the highest number ever. A recipient of one of these awards signifies that one is a representation of the year's top creative projects.


Hi Raw!'s success at D&AD not only demonstrates our dedication to offering pawrents with fresh and nutritious raw food options for pets, but it also marks a critical turning point in establishing the Vietnamese company's strength and reputation on the international scale.


During the process of rebranding, it would be impossible to overlook the role that our strategic partner, M – N Associates , has played in advancing Hi Raw!'s brand restructuring efforts. This is a fruitful achievement resulting from the perfect combination of Hi Raw!'s far-reaching vision and the creativity of M – N Associates. Together, we have brought to D&AD a project in which Vietnamese people have produced every aspect of it, both the design and the product.



With the tagline "Deliciously Raw For All," Hi Raw! has been there to support pet owners by offering wholesome and nutritious food options for their “furry" companions. Let us commemorate Hi Raw!'s triumph and accompany us as we pursue our goal of winning over every heart of all pet lovers


Hi Raw! is a raw food for dogs and cats following the BARF diet - a natural biological-friendly diet, designed to be the most complete for the body and essential needs of our furry friends.


Visit Hi Raw!'s official channels for more information on raw food products for dogs and cats, event details, or promotional programs at:

🐶 Facebook Fanpage: Hi Raw!

🐱 Website: https://feedhiraw.com/

😻 Zalo OA: Hi Raw!

🐈 Shopee: Hi Raw! Official Store

🦮 Lazada: Hi Raw!

🐩 Hotline: 0919800805